Skunk Removal: Top 7 Ways To Deal With Skunks | Say YES To SES

Skunks are generally harmless animals, and very curious as well. It is still a good idea to stay away from them, however. Getting near a skunk will put you at risk for the infamous tail raise and nauseating perfume it emits. Peeeew! What’s worse, the skunk can bite you and then you may have to be treated for rabies. Similarly to a raccoon, skunks are omnivores and will rummage through your trash cans for snacks. Skunks will also make its home on your property, under your porches, or decks. By following our advice given on the below tips and tricks, you can learn how to do your own skunk removal and make your yard less interesting to skunks…or get the existing skunks outta there!


Skunks are very innovative and as a scavenger by nature, they are drawn to any nutritious food sources on the ground or within easy reach. If you have fruit trees or trees that produce nuts, berries, crabapples…clean up the fallen fruits and nuts by raking the yard often. Other sources, like grass clippings, should also be discarded, since it may contain seeds or other sources of food for skunks.

  • For the fellow gardeners, harvest ripe fruit and vegetables as soon as you can! Don’t wait (like I do) because those hungry skunks will feast on the booty fast.
  • If you have bird feeders, place a tray underneath to catch the fallen seeds, and clean up stray seeds dropped by birds as often as possible.


Just like raccoons, and the occasional stray cat or dog, skunks are known to be able to survive on garbage alone. It’s important to keep your trash cans properly sealed tight. Sometimes, regular garbage cans simply will not work. Funny enough, you may need to purchase a garbage can that uses a lock and key to keep these critters out.

  • If you have a shed or garage, it is a good idea to store the cans inside them in the evening so skunks cannot smell the trash.
  • If you have a compost bin, enclose it. Skunks love to eat old fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, and other items that you may be composting.


Under decks, porches, and in other sheltered areas are the perfect places for a skunk to make its nest. Close off spaces that may be appealing to skunks by using rocks, fencing, or plywood.

  • Log piles and piles of lumber or building materials can serve as shelters for skunks. Store the materials in a shed or bin to prevent skunks from moving in.
  • Large bushes are also good hiding places and shelters for skunks. If you see skunks hanging out in bushes or low vegetation, you might want to trim back the branches so it’s not quite as appealing.


Skunks are nocturnal, and when they enter the yard and a bright light turns on, they will ‘high tail it’ out of there. However, one of the downfalls to this is your risk attracting insects that like bright light, such as crickets and moths.

  • Since the lights will be shining all night long, consider using solar lighting or energy-saving lighting to avoid paying high electrical bills.
  • You could also install a motion sensor that gets tripped when a skunk or another creature comes close. In this case, the skunk will have to enter your property for the light to work as a deterrent.


There are not many smells known that would offend Pepe Le Pew. However, If you place certain smells around the edges of your yard and in areas where you suspect skunks like to spend time, they will start avoiding those areas. Repellents have to be reapplied every few days, especially after a heavy rain.

  • Fox and dog urine deters skunks since both animals are skunks’ natural predators. If you can figure out how to collect dog urine, that’s fine to use. You can also buy products containing fox or dog urine at hardware stores. Spray it around the perimeter of your yard.
  • Pepper sprays, also sold to repel squirrels and other wild creatures, are effective skunk repellents. Spray them on trees and other areas where you’ve seen skunks.
  • Ammonia also deters skunks. Soak old rags in ammonia and place them under your deck or porch to keep skunks from coming in.
  • Citrus peels have natural repellent qualities. Scatter orange or lemon peels around your property and under your deck or porch.


Nothing worse than an unwanted shower when going out for dinner…when the skunks wander too closely this is what they will get with a motion-triggered sprinkler system. This is a safe and natural way to keep skunks away from your house and property. Place them strategically close to areas where you suspect skunks might want to hide.


If you’d rather leave all the skunk handling to an expert, give us a call and we will send one of our licensed wildlife experts over to take care of removal. He will have the tools and knowledge to trap and release the skunk. You may contact us on the web at or call us at 703.382.2532.

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