Rats & Mice removal

Summit Environmental Solutions provides rat removal, rodent control, rat control, mouse control, and rat control in Northern VA.

Rats can easily adapt to our environments easily and most of the time, by choice.  Due to the abundance of food and shelter rats adapt rather easily. We provide regular food sources like bird feeders, and pet food bowls that are topped off regularly. Urban areas have a lot of nuts, buds, and fruits from trees in our daily landscapes. Once a rodent has discovered a reliable food source it will then look for a spot to build a nest located near the food source. In most cases, structures around your home or in your home become the nesting site. A rat will look for an area outside or in your home that poses the least resistance. Rotten stumps, debris piles, concrete slabs, driveways, and stone walls are a few locations for their outside dens. Gable vents, attic fans, foundation vents, or rotten wood behind your gutter or in the soffit are a few locations on your home that they will gain access for a nesting site. As the rat population grows, and it will grow extremely fast, around and in your home, so will the damage. Very large burrows under concrete slabs, driveways, and stone walls will cause costly repairs due to settling from these burrows. Gnawed electrical wires create the risk of fire and of course, you will have odor issues from their droppings and urine can create a biohazard. As long as we continue to urbanize, and provide an abundance of food to the rats, they will continue to adapt to our environments and pose a threat to homes and human health.

Rat and mice exclusion, trapping, and baiting the exterior of the structure with rodenticides are key to effective rat removal. Knowing their biological habits, performing the necessary repairs, rodenticides, and the use of traps will solve most rat problems. When ideal habitat, water, and food for rats and mice collide with our environment, full exclusion services are recommended to prevent and or eliminate new rats from trying to enter your residential or commercial building.

There are many different ways to get rid of rats, and if you are looking for a professional, permanent solution to your rat problem, with a written guarantee and warranted for a one year minimum, you have found one of the only companies in Northern, Virginia that can provide you with this service and have 0ver 30 years experience to back it up.

Summit Environmental Solutions, SES will inspect every square foot of the exterior of your home or business looking for current and potential rat entry points. When our Wildlife Removal Experts find these current and potential entry points they will seal them with 35-50 year sealant that is backed as a permanent rat proof material, install critter guards, or chimney caps and covers. If you just repair the current entry points without sealing the potential penetration points, a new family of rats will just move to those potential entry points.

Rats create offensive odors and viruses due to their urine and droppings and disrupt your sleep with their gnawing. Rat removal is one of our specialties. We have helped restore peace of mind to over a thousand of residential and commercial customers over the last 18 years. Rat removal is a technical process that requires professional experience. Do not risk people’s health or yours to anybody. You can trust our trained nationally professional staff to solve any rat problem you may have, guaranteed and warranted for a minimum of one year!

Your Rat Service Agreement will describe and identify, in written and/or graphed format, all of the inspected areas of the structure, current and potential rat entry points, contaminations, a description of the warranty, its limitations, and its time period, and a price to remove the rats from the structure.

In addition to the rat or mice exclusion, we take photos to document the inspected areas of your structure with current and/or potential rat entry points and contaminations as evidence to you of the issues associated with the rats and to protect SES from any potential liabilities.

Your rat or mice service agreement will also contain a description of the warranty, its limitations, and its time period. The warranty will not start until the final repairs on your structure or 100% eviction is confirmed by our Wildlife Specialist, SES, and you.  It is limited to a family of rats entering the interior of your structure. The warranty time period will not be less than one year and will not exceed the manufacturer’s minimum service life of any exclusion material we use on your structure. Prior to your warranty expiring, if you contact us to reinspect the work we did, you may purchase an extended warranty for $125 upon the renewal payment, as stated on your rat service agreement, we will return to your structure for reinspection.

Your rat service agreement will contain a price to exclude and remove the rats from your structure. The price reflects the Animal Control Solutions ability and experience to perform rat removal services based upon industry standards, material costs, labor, and profit.

What happens after the rats are removed from your home?

Rat and Mice Exclusion is a technique where all the current and potential rodent entry points stated in your rodent service agreement, are made uninhabitable or impervious to a rat by the use, application, and installation of exclusion materials by Summit Environmental Solutions.

Rat and Mice Exclusion materials are rat proof building materials or components that may be used, applied, installed, and dispensed, but are not limited to, caulk, adhesives, or sealants, backer rod, chinking, foam, wire mesh, metal flashing or coil stock, chimney caps, or any other rat proof building construction materials that will prevent rats from entering your structure once the rat repairs have been completed.

Rat and Mice Exclusion materials will be applied to all current and potential rat entry points that lead into the interior of your structure from the exterior of your structure. Rat entry points are any area typically 18″ below the grade of your structure and any areas that may emit air draft from your structure that is greater than or equal to one inch round or one inch wide and one inch long regardless of its orientation.

How Summit Environmental Solutions removes rats from your home.

We have many rodent control methods we use to control rats and mice. Exclusion is the process of removing rats from a residential or commercial property by the use of traps, rodenticides, and exclusion materials.

Professional-grade, single door, or snap traps are commonly used. Live single door cage traps are anchored on the building near their holes or on the ground. Snap traps are typically set in the attic.  Once the rats are trapped, we will repair all of the current and potential entry points so that it will not happen again.

If you have a rodent infestation and need rodent control, or need a mice exterminator, or rodent removal, rat baiting, rat or mice control, or you need to get rid of rats in attic or to get rid of a rat infestation, contact Summit Environmental Solutions right away and we will send out a Wildlife Specialist to evaluate the situation and provide an estimate.

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