October 12th, 2017 Blog
October 12, 2017: Natural Weather Predictors on Say YES to SES | Birds. There is nothing more peaceful than waking to the sweet sound of birds singing their praise.
October 11th, 2017 Blog
According to the Department of Game & Inland Fisheries in Virginia, it is illegal to: transport, release, or relocate a bat anywhere other than the property where it was captured (4VAC15-30-50). So call SES for safe bat removal techniques.
October 09th, 2017 Blog
When you need to spot mice in your home, you need to get ride of them ASAP. We have compiled a list of 12 natural remedies to rid your home from mice.
October 05th, 2017 Blog
Is This Snake Venomous?! Check out this video and find out how to identify venemous and non-venemous snakes in your area.
October 02nd, 2017 Blog
A Florida geocacher shares the gut-wrenching saga of an insignificant spider bite that turned out to be much more than she envisioned.
August 28th, 2017 Blog
Here are 5 telltale signs that you have a raccoon on your property and need to have it removed from your home.
March 07th, 2017 Blog
The number of humans and animals, insects and other species that exist within our world is supposed to be balanced for a good reason. But in recent years, bat numbers have changed.
March 07th, 2017 Blog
Of all types of wildlife and pests to invade your property, few homeowners expect bats. Yet your attic is a perfect spot for them to raise their babies.
March 07th, 2017 Blog
You might be tempted to clean up bat feces when you find it on your property. But doing so can spread bacteria that harms the health of you and family members.
March 07th, 2017 Blog
Squirrels look furry and friendly, but they are still a form of wildlife that you cannot have living in your home.
March 02nd, 2017 Blog
Bat control is essential if you are to remove the danger of rabies and other potentially serious illnesses from your family.
February 23rd, 2017 Blog
In busy neighborhoods, you are unlikely to see or find snakes in Virginia. If you do, they should be removed professionally. It is against the law to kill a snake in Virginia unless there is a threat to your safety.
Total Articles: 219
Fairfax, Alexandria & Arlington, VA
Summit Environmental Solutions
Phone: 703-520-5868
5 Le Way, Suite 125 Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Licensed, Bonded and Insured.
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