The following tips are important for limiting the chance of being involved in a vehicle-deer collision:
Never veer for deer! Making a sudden, sharp turn is dangerous! It can place a driver in the path of on-coming traffic or worse, cause the vehicle to strike a fixed object like a tree or utility pole!
- Deer travel in herds, so, the rule of thumb is, if you see one deer, chances are good that there are more!
- If you are in an area where deer are known to be, slow down. It will be easier to stop at a slower speed.
- Deer feed primarily between sunset and sunrise in wooded areas and around watersheds. Be aware of the area when driving.
- Stay alert and keep both hands on the wheel at all times and eyes on the road.
Drive carefully at night. Use high beams when possible and when there is no oncoming traffic. High beams illuminate a wider area.
- Clean your windows and ensure all exterior vehicle lighting is operational. A clear windshield will help a motorist see greater distances.
- Use peripheral vision. Scan each side of the roadside, as well as straight ahead and in the distance, for movement.
- Should a motorist strike a deer, never approach an injured animal. Pull to a safe location with hazard lights on and call the police. Drive safely this fall.