The official day of Autumn is days away; and while the nights getting longer, the nocturnal animals lurking outside will become even more active. In the Fall, the longer nights affords raccoons, opossums, and other nocturnal animals more time to be up and around getting into trouble in and around your property. During this time, they will scavenge for more food, look for warmer places to live, and caused more damage to your home.
Raccoons specifically, Raccoons are in the family Procyonidae along with ring-tails and coats. The bear family and raccoon family are closely related. Red pandas (often called lesser pandas) are now put in the raccoon family.
Raccoons are well known to be nocturnal, and it is not common to see them around during the day.
But when a raccoon is rabid, his behavior changes. For instance, raccoons are usually shy, but a rabid raccoon may become unusually aggressive.
Raccoons are dangerous to human health in several ways. They can pose serious health risks. As aforementioned, raccoons are rabies carriers. Cases of a human contracting rabies from a raccoon are very few; however, the possibility is still there… A lesser-known but more serious threat to human health comes from raccoon droppings.
For your information, it is important to mention that after contracting rabies a raccoon normally dies within one to three days and if you have received a bite from rabid raccoons then good thing is that effective treatment is available for this, but it is upon you to visit the nearest medical facility as soon
as possible.
Are you wondering if raccoons are smart? Raccoons are special kinds of mammals believed to be some of the smartest animals on the planet. Raccoons are believed to be smart because they have incredibly huge brains. Raccoons can be intelligent and curious and for this reason, they can be very hard to trap, especially if we need to remove the babies.
Raccoons are not the only animal that will be hunting for a new abode.
Skunks and other nocturnal animals in our area utilize the natural changes in the day/night cycle in order to better prepare for the winter. Many of these mammals do not hibernate during the cold winters and will need to prepare to outlast it. During the Fall, as the days get colder and nights get longer, they will seek out more food. They may look for ways into your home to escape the growing cold.
The Fall is often the time where the offspring from the Spring start branching off and finding dens of their own. These younger animals may be less aware of how to avoid humans. They may be more inclined to try to break into your home or shed.
If you are having issues with pests, call a professional! We specialize in raccoon removal and raccoon control, opossums, squirrels, and other pests in the Northern Virginia area. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us or call us at 703-520-5868 and we will be happy to make an appointment at your convenience. Saturday appointments are available!